· The National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health
· 미국 질병 통제 예방 센터(CDC)의 산하 기관
※ CDC: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
NIOSH 표준에 따른 마스크 등급 9가지 분류
● 필터 성능 감소 요인(오일)에 대한 내성 3가지 유형
(the three categories of resistance to filter efficiency degradation)
N: Not oil resistant
R: Resistant to oil
P: Oil Proof
※ P > R > N
● 필터 효율 3가지 단계
(the three levels of filter efficiency)
95: 직경 0.3㎛ 이상 크기의 미세먼지를 95% 제거
99: 직경 0.3㎛ 이상 크기의 미세먼지를 99% 제거
100: 직경 0.3㎛ 이상 크기의 미세먼지를 99.7% 제거, HE 혹은 HEPA 필터 등급
※ 100 > 99 > 95
※ HEPA filter: high-efficiency particulate air filter
● 필터의 9가지 등급
(the nine classes of filters)
N95, N99, N100
R95, R99, R100
P95, P99, P100
[참고] CDC, "NIOSH Guide to the Selection and Use of Particulate Respirators"
N, R, and P are NIOSH certification categories that apply to negative pressure air-purifying respirators that protect against respiratory particulates. They do not apply to powered airpurifying respirators (PAPRs). The particulate respirator will have an N, R, or P designation along with an efficiency rating such as 95, 99, or 100. Some examples include N95 and N100 disposable facepiece respirators and a P100 cartridge.
The National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) is responsible for conducting research and making recommendations for the prevention of work-related injury and illness. Although NIOSH is generally characterized as a non-regulatory agency, guidance and recommendations issued by NIOSH are often used by other agencies responsible for developing and enforcing workplace safety and health regulations.
※ negative pressure air-purifying respirator
※ powered air-purifying respirator(PAPR)
- positive-pressure masks, blower units 혹은 blowers 등의 명칭을 사용합니다.
- 능동적으로 작업 공간이나 대기 중의 오염 물질을 걸러내고 깨끗한 공기를 사용자의 안면 부위에 착용한 마스크로 주입하는 것입니다.
- 이러한 능동적인 필터링 기능이 없는 단순한 안면 마스크를 "negative pressure air-purifying respirator"라고 생각할 수 있습니다.
- NIOSH 표준 규격 중 N, R, P는 "negative pressure air-purifying respirator"에 적용하는 유형입니다.
[참고] WIKIPEDIA, "Powered air-purifying respirator"